Monday, January 5, 2009

Dreary Day

Man what a dreary day it is outside. I'm so glad I spent yesterday cleaning the house and doing laundry because tonight I want nothing more than to go home, put on my pj's, order in chinese and watch movies. It is so cold and has not stopped raining since I woke up this morning. I do love these kinds of days because they are so cozy, but I do not like having to be at work during them, because my head feels like a bowling ball. (heavy because of sleepiness)

Also, Daniel is not feeling well today, so that's a big bummer. I was sick Friday and Saturday and I'm really hoping he didn't catch what I had. Yuck!!

So I find it quite interesting to hear what people's New Year's resolutions are. I, personally, do not make them, as I find them to jinx whatever it is have resolved to do or not do. However, I really like to hear about other people's. If you'd like to share yours, I'd love to hear about them.

Well, I suppose I should get back to work. Everybody stay warm and dry!



Daniel said...

my resolution is to go to bead earlier. im so tiiiired.

Daniel and Tiffany said...

thank you for sharing!